How Much Should You Spend on a Wedding Gift?

by 21:57 0 comments

How much to spend on a gift?

Should I select the gift based on cost?

How much money to give for a gift?

With wedding season is in peak, you are likely to ask these questions for yourself. It is a big confusion of how much exactly to spend for a quality and memorable gift? So, just cool up!

Many of the people don’t know the cost to invest for a wedding gift. It is actually a simple task to decide. You have to first analyse the budget that you have allocated for the couples. Check the relationship and find out whether they are too close or far. It is a common practise to spend more for a close relation and spend less for a distance one. Apart from cost, the people have to ensure that the gift looks elegant, unique and impressive.

When the couples open the gift, they should not say Whoo!! Rather, the wedding gift should help them to understand your true love and affection. Such kind of gift will definitely be treasured and remembered for long years. Budget is the most important factor that should be decided by the people at the time of purchasing gifts.

Now, let us have a quick glance at the guidelines for wedding gifts and bridal shower gifts below:

  • If you are a young person, then the budget can be fixed $50
  • If the couple is one of your co-worker or acquaintance, then a gift worth of $50- $75 can be purchased.
  • For friend or relative, you can fix $75-$150.
The selection of gifts also depends upon your location or region. You need to follow the above guidelines as to select the gift with your budget.

Tell us what you think! Please do comment and share your opinions and suggestions with us.

Surprise Gifts is the leading gift shop in Coimbatore that offers personalized gifts at affordable cost. The experts at the gift shop help you with a number of Innovative Gift Ideas for weddings, baby showers, birthdays, graduations and more.



Surprise Gifts is a premier online gifting company in India.We feature the finest collections of personalized gifts,especially for creating unforgettable memories for the special people. Our team offers awesome personalized gift ideas and convenient choice for the customers.


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